Results for 'Arthur Augusto Catraio'

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  1.  94
    An evolutionary context for the cognitive unconscious.Arthur S. Reber - 1992 - Philosophical Psychology 5 (1):33-51.
    This paper is an attempt to put the work of the past several decades on the problems of implicit learning and unconscious cognition into an evolutionary context. Implicit learning is an inductive process whereby knowledge of a complex environment is acquired and used largely independently of awareness of either the process of acquisition or the nature of that which has been learned. Characterized this way, implicit learning theory can be viewed as an attempt to come to grips with the classic (...)
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  2. (1 other version)Nietzsche as Philosopher.Arthur C. Danto - 1965 - Science and Society 32 (1):89-91.
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    Seeking the Common Good in Education Through a Positive Conception of Social Justice.James Arthur, Kristján Kristjánsson & Candace Vogler - 2021 - British Journal of Educational Studies 69 (1):101-117.
    Many Faculties of Education in the UK and elsewhere have ‘social justice’ written into their mission statements. But are they concerned by questions of social justice in education, or has the term become somewhat vacuous and devoid of substantive meaning? The present article subjects recent discourses about social justice in education to scrutiny and finds them wanting in various respects, in particular when juxtaposed with historical accounts of justice by philosophers such as Aristotle or Aquinas. Among the complaints made here (...)
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  4. Some local models for correlation experiments.Arthur Fine - 1982 - Synthese 50 (2):279 - 294.
    This paper constructs two classes of models for the quantum correlation experiments used to test the Bell-type inequalities, synchronization models and prism models. Both classes employ deterministic hidden variables, satisfy the causal requirements of physical locality, and yield precisely the quantum mechanical statistics. In the synchronization models, the joint probabilities, for each emission, do not factor in the manner of stochastic independence, showing that such factorizability is not required for locality. In the prism models the observables are not random variables (...)
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    Personalization as a promise: Can Big Data change the practice of insurance?Arthur Charpentier & Laurence Barry - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (1).
    The aim of this article is to assess the impact of Big Data technologies for insurance ratemaking, with a special focus on motor products.The first part shows how statistics and insurance mechanisms adopted the same aggregate viewpoint. It made visible regularities that were invisible at the individual level, further supporting the classificatory approach of insurance and the assumption that all members of a class are identical risks. The second part focuses on the reversal of perspective currently occurring in data analysis (...)
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  6. And not anti-realism either.Arthur Fine - 1984 - Noûs 18 (1):51-65.
    This paper develops lines of criticism directed at two currently popular versions of anti-realism: the putnam-rorty-kuhn version that is centered on an acceptance theory of truth, and the van fraassen version that is centered on empiricist strictures over warranted beliefs. the paper continues by elaborating and extending a stance, called "the natural ontological attitude", that is neither realist nor anti-realist.
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    Wise Choices, Apt Feelings: A Theory of Normative Judgment.Arthur Ripstein - 1992 - Philosophical Review 101 (4):934.
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  8. Indestructibility and the level-by-level agreement between strong compactness and supercompactness.Arthur W. Apter & Joel David Hamkins - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (2):820-840.
    Can a supercompact cardinal κ be Laver indestructible when there is a level-by-level agreement between strong compactness and supercompactness? In this article, we show that if there is a sufficiently large cardinal above κ, then no, it cannot. Conversely, if one weakens the requirement either by demanding less indestructibility, such as requiring only indestructibility by stratified posets, or less level-by-level agreement, such as requiring it only on measure one sets, then yes, it can.
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    Creature forcing and five cardinal characteristics in Cichoń’s diagram.Arthur Fischer, Martin Goldstern, Jakob Kellner & Saharon Shelah - 2017 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 56 (7-8):1045-1103.
    We use a creature construction to show that consistently $$\begin{aligned} \mathfrak d=\aleph _1= {{\mathrm{cov}}}< {{\mathrm{non}}}< {{\mathrm{non}}}< {{\mathrm{cof}}} < 2^{\aleph _0}. \end{aligned}$$The same method shows the consistency of $$\begin{aligned} \mathfrak d=\aleph _1= {{\mathrm{cov}}}< {{\mathrm{non}}}< {{\mathrm{non}}}< {{\mathrm{cof}}} < 2^{\aleph _0}. \end{aligned}$$.
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    (2 other versions)Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung.Arthur Schopenhauer - 1921 - Köln: Parkland. Edited by Alexander Ulfig.
    1. Bd. Vier Bücher, nebst einem Anhange, der die Kritik der kantischen Philosophie enthält -- 2. Bd. Welcher die Ergänzungen zu die den vier Büchern des ersten Bandes enthält.
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    As duas faces do conceito hegeliano de liberdade e a mediação da categoria do reconhecimento.Cesár Augusto Ramos - 2010 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 55 (3):29-58.
    The aim of this paper is to examine the theoretical status of the hegelian concept of freedom as “being with oneself in one’s other”, as well as the mediation of the category of recognition in the relationship between the objective and subjective face that this concept portrays. In this perspective, no legitimate relations of domination and coercion are rejected on behalf of a intersubjective concept of freedom. The aim is also to highlight the important elements in the hegelian philosophy to (...)
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  12. Liberation Theology and Its Critics: Toward an Assessment.Arthur F. McGovern - 1989
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    The religion and philosophy of the Veda and Upanishads.Arthur Berriedale Keith - 1925 - Westport, Conn.,: Greenwood Press.
  14. Algebraic constraints on hidden variables.Arthur Fine & Paul Teller - 1978 - Foundations of Physics 8 (7-8):629-636.
    In the contemporary discussion of hidden variable interpretations of quantum mechanics, much attention has been paid to the “no hidden variable” proof contained in an important paper of Kochen and Specker. It is a little noticed fact that Bell published a proof of the same result the preceding year, in his well-known 1966 article, where it is modestly described as a corollary to Gleason's theorem. We want to bring out the great simplicity of Bell's formulation of this result and to (...)
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  15.  21
    Controlling the number of normal measures at successor cardinals.Arthur W. Apter - 2022 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 68 (3):304-309.
    We examine the number of normal measures a successor cardinal can carry, in universes in which the Axiom of Choice is false. When considering successors of singular cardinals, we establish relative consistency results assuming instances of supercompactness, together with the Ultrapower Axiom (introduced by Goldberg in [12]). When considering successors of regular cardinals, we establish relative consistency results only assuming the existence of one measurable cardinal. This allows for equiconsistencies.
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    Indestructibility when the first two measurable cardinals are strongly compact.Arthur W. Apter - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (1):214-227.
    We prove two theorems concerning indestructibility properties of the first two strongly compact cardinals when these cardinals are in addition the first two measurable cardinals. Starting from two supercompact cardinals $\kappa _1 < \kappa _2$, we force and construct a model in which $\kappa _1$ and $\kappa _2$ are both the first two strongly compact and first two measurable cardinals, $\kappa _1$ ’s strong compactness is fully indestructible, and $\kappa _2$ ’s strong compactness is indestructible under $\mathrm {Add}$ for any (...)
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  17. Quantum Life.Arthur Fine - 2003 - Journal of Philosophy 100 (2):80-97.
  18. Forcing a people to be free.Arthur Isak Applbaum - 2007 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 35 (4):359–400.
  19.  12
    Themes in Kant's Metaphysics and Ethics.Arthur Melnick - 2004 - Catholic University of America Press.
    Intended for those interested in Kant's contribution to philosophy, this volume provides an overview of Kant's arguments concerning central issues in metaphysics and ethics.
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  20.  49
    Explanation and Empathy.Arthur Ripstein - 1987 - Review of Metaphysics 40 (3):465 - 482.
    I WISH to defend the claim that imagining what it would be like to be in "someone else's shoes" can serve to explain that person's actions. This commonsense view has considerable plausibility, but requires clarification to be philosophically defensible; discussions of explanation often assume that understanding requires a theory of the thing understood. If understanding requires a theory, then however much imagining what it would be like to be in another person's situation might sooth one's curiosity, it cannot provide real (...)
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  21.  23
    Losing More than Money: Organizations’ Prosocial Actions Appear Less Authentic When Their Resources are Declining.Arthur S. Jago, Nathanael Fast & Jeffrey Pfeffer - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 175 (2):413-425.
    Companies often benefit from others’ attributions of moral conviction for prosocial behavior, for example, attributions that a company has a sincere moral desire to improve the environment when behaving sustainably. Across four studies, we explored how organizations’ changing resource positions influenced people’s attributions for the motivations underlying prosocial organizational behaviors. Observers attributed less moral conviction following prosocial behavior when they believed an organization was losing economic resources. This effect was primarily a “penalty” assessed against organizations that were losing resources, as (...)
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  22. Leibniz’s Actual Infinite in Relation to His Analysis of Matter.Richard T. W. Arthur - 2015 - In G.W. Leibniz, Interrelations Between Mathematics and Philosophy. Springer Verlag.
  23.  33
    Einstein's Interpretations of the Quantum Theory.Arthur Fine - 1993 - Science in Context 6 (1):257-273.
    The ArgumentThis paper argues that Einstein subscribed to three distinct kinds of interpretations of the quantum theory: subjective, instrumental, and hidden variables interpretations. We explore the context and ihe content of Einstein's thinking over these interpretations, emphasizing Einstein's conception of his role not only as a critic of the new quantum theory but also as a guide pointing the way to better physics.
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  24.  39
    Truth Telling, Companionship, and Witness: An Agenda for Narrative Ethics.Arthur W. Frank - 2016 - Hastings Center Report 46 (3):17-21.
    Narrative ethics holds that if you ask someone what goodness is, as a basis of action, most people will first appeal to various abstractions, each of which can be defined only by other abstractions that in turn require further definition. If you persist in asking what each of these abstractions actually means, eventually that person will have to tell you a story and expect you to recognize goodness in the story. Goodness and badness need stories to make them thinkable and (...)
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  25. In defence of deterrence.Arthur Hockaday - 1982 - In Geoffrey L. Goodwin (ed.), Ethics and nuclear deterrence. New York: St. Martin's Press.
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  26.  6
    Voluntades anticipadas, revisión histórica, legislación y perspectivas en la relación clínica.Jorge Augusto Moncaleano Sáenz & Martha Patricia Rodríguez Sánchez - 2024 - Medicina y Ética 35 (4):1194-1261.
    Esta revisión narrativa aborda la evolución histórica y legal de las voluntades anticipadas a nivel global y local desde su surgimiento. Parte del principio de autonomía en la bioética moderna y su relación con la vulnerabilidad del paciente, así como la consideración de la muerte por parte de los profesionales de la salud. Destaca el papel esencial del documento de voluntades anticipadas como una herramienta valiosa en la relación médico paciente-familia, siendo fundamental para comprender la perspectiva del paciente. Se define (...)
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    The process of government.Arthur Fisher Bentley - 1908 - Chicago,: The University of Chicago press.
  28.  44
    Leaving the State of Nature.Arthur Ripstein - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
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    Suppression du mot « race » de la constitution et principe de non-discrimination : Une analyse du discours contrastive France / union europenne.Arthur Joyeux - 2022 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
    Le présent article revient sur la polémique qui anime les sphères politiques européenne et française depuis les années 1990 autour de la suppression du mot « race » des textes normatifs. Au-delà des enjeux idéologiques que ce débat cristallise, il propose d’élargir la perspective d’analyse à un phénomène plus englobant : la confrontation d’ordres juridiques hétérogènes engagés dans des processus intégratifs : « le droit français et le droit communautaire diffèrent dans leur démarche en matière de lutte contre les discriminations (...)
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    Are dynamical systems the answer?Arthur B. Markman - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (1):50-51.
    The proposed model is put forward as a template for the dynamical systems approach to embodied cognition. In order to extend this view to cognitive processing in general, however, two limitations must be overcome. First, it must be demonstrated that sensorimotor coordination of the type evident in the A-not-B error is typical of other aspects of cognition. Second, the explanatory utility of dynamical systems models must be clarified.
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    The revolt against dualism: an inquiry concerning the existence of ideas.Arthur O. Lovejoy - 1960 - La Salle, Ill.,: Open Court Pub. Co..
    DUALISM AND THE PHYSICAL WORLD 257 IX. THE NATURE OF KNOWING AS A NATURAL EVENT . . 303 INDEX 323 PREFACE The principal purpose of this volume is not to present ...
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    Not Whether but How: Considerations on the Ethics of Telling Patients’ Stories.Arthur W. Frank - 2019 - Hastings Center Report 49 (6):13-16.
    The ethics of telling stories about other people become questionable as soon as humans learn to talk. But the stakes get higher when health care professionals tell stories about those whom they serve. But for all the problems that come with such stories, I do not believe it is either practical or desirable for bioethicists to attempt to legislate an end to this storytelling. What we need instead is narrative nuance. We need to understand how to tell respectful stories in (...)
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  33. Frederick Ii and the Moslem Culture.Francesco Gabrieli & Augusto Borselli - 1958 - Diogenes 6 (24):1-16.
    The starting point of any inquiry into the relationship between Frederick and the Arabic-Islamic culture goes back to the Arabic-Norman Sicily to which he was bound by the great Constance, by his infancy, by his early adolescence, and by his crown. Despite the fact that he was born by chance in the Marche region and had preferred to spend his adult years in the flat land of Puglia, where he died, it was in Sicily that he first formed the elements (...)
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    The lacanian graph hidden behind the žižek’s project of critique of ideology.Philippe Augusto Carvalho Campos - 2021 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 15 (3).
    In his article How Did Marx Invent the Symptom? Žižek discusses his project of a critique of ideology, he proposes, since the concept of real abstraction by Sohn-Rethel, that are a virtual dimension that structure the practices, which, in turn, the beliefs or the subjectivity is submitted to. On contrary to the classical critique of ideology, that step in the levels of practices or the subjectivity, in Žižek’s project the subjectivity is just a rebound effect of the practices and the (...)
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    Quality and Form in the philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce.Alexandre Augusto Ferraz & Itala M. Loffredo D’Ottaviano - 2020 - Cognitio 20 (2):343-377.
    O principal objetivo deste artigo é apresentar uma identidade possível entre os conceitos de forma e de qualidade na filosofia de Charles Sanders Peirce, por meio de seus argumentos em sua Semiótica e em sua Cosmologia. Em outras palavras, nosso objetivo é mostrar que a primeiridade consiste em uma forma, parte constitutiva da natureza da terceiridade, na medida em que a tendência à generalização ou à aquisição de hábitos estava prefigurada na origem do cosmos. De natureza indutiva, o passo do (...)
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    [Omnibus Review].Carlos Augusto Priscdio - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (3):1098-1100.
    Reviewed Works:Telis K. Menas, A Combinatorial Property of $p_\kappa\lambda$.Donald H. Pelletier, The Partition Property for Certain Extendible Measures on Supercompact Cardinals.Kenneth Kunen, Donald H. Pelletier, On a Combinatorial Property of Menas Related to the Partition Property for Measures on Supercompact Cardinals.Julius B. Barbanel, Supercompact Cardinals, Trees of Normal Ultrafilters, and the Partition Property.
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  37. (2 other versions)Analytical Philosophy of Knowledge.Arthur C. Danto - 1968 - Philosophy 44 (170):354-355.
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    The Religious Dimension in Hegel's Thought.Arthur Berndtson - 1969 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 30 (1):148-150.
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  39. Radical changes in cognitive process due to technology.Arthur M. Glenberg - 2006 - Pragmatics and Cognition 14 (2):263-274.
    A strong case can be made that the cognitive system is designed for guiding action, not, for example, symbol manipulation. I review empirical work demonstrating the link between action and cognition with special attention to the processes of language comprehension. Next, I sketch an embodied cognition framework for integrating work on language understanding with a more general approach to cognition and action. This general approach considers contributions to action of bodily states, emotions, social and cultural processes, and learning within a (...)
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  40.  47
    Dense Junctures of Ethical Concern.Arthur W. Frank - 2013 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 3 (1):35-40.
    A collection of stories by bioethicists writing about their own illnesses displays the importance of microethics. From this perspective, ethics happens not in the application of principles to specific decisions, but rather in the moment-to-moment flow of clinical interaction, as healthcare workers and patients make decisions, especially in their use of language. Microethical issues that are common to multiple stories are described as dense junctures of ethical concern. Three junctures are discussed in detail: conflicts between medical and patient rationalities, issues (...)
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  41.  24
    Lavoisier as Chemist and Experimental Physicist: A Reply to Perrin.Arthur Donovan - 1990 - Isis 81 (2):270-272.
  42.  44
    Conservation, the sum rule and confirmation.Arthur Fine - 1977 - Philosophy of Science 44 (1):95-106.
    In 1924, Bohr, Kramers and Slater tried to introduce into microphysics conservation principles that hold only on the average. This attempt was abandoned in the light of the Compton-Simon experiment. Since that time, except for a moment of doubt in 1936, it has been thought that the classical conservation laws hold in quantum theory for each individual interaction, in a way that yields the classical exchange-and-balance of momentum familiar from the laws of elastic collisions. It has been thought, that is, (...)
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  43.  9
    Lucilius and Horace.Arthur L. Wheeler & George Converse Fiske - 1922 - American Journal of Philology 43 (1):83.
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    Ortega y Tres Antipodas: Un Ejemplo de Intriga Intelectual.Arthur Berndtson & Julian Marias - 1952 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 13 (2):261.
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  45. The Restored Relationship: A Study in Justification and Reconciliation.Arthur S. Crabtree - 1963
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  46. Christianity and the Children of Israel.Arthur Roy Eckardt - 1948
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  47. Translating tocqueville : The constraints of classicism.Arthur Goldhammer - 2006 - In Cheryl B. Welch (ed.), The Cambridge companion to Tocqueville. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  48. A Child's Garden of Bible Stories.Arthur W. Gross & Rod Taenzer - 1948
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    An Evolutionary Approach Toward Exploring Altered States of Consciousness, Mind–Body Techniques, and Non-Local Mind.Arthur Saniotis & Maciej Henneberg - 2011 - World Futures 67 (3):182 - 200.
    Humans are a part of the complex system including both natural and cultural-technological environment. Evolution of this system included self-amplifying feedbacks that lead to the appearance of human conscious mind. We describe the current state of the understanding of human brain evolution that stresses neurohormonal and biochemical changes rather than simple increase of anatomical substrate for the mind. It follows that human brain is strongly influenced by the state of the body and may operate at various levels of consciousness depending (...)
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    Retention and warming-up effects in paired-associate learning.Arthur L. Irion - 1949 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 39 (5):669.
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